Refund FAQs

How do I get a refund?  

The fastest way to receive your refund is to take your product in its original container back to the retailer where you purchased the product for a refund, product exchange, or store credit, per retailer return policy. You can also ship the product in its original container back to us.


What if I didn’t get my product at a retail store?

Click here to see if your product is included in the recall. If it is, please call Similac customer service at 800-986-8540 to discuss next steps regarding returning product and receiving a refund.


After I call and complete the process for a refund, how soon will I hear back and what email should I look for?    

Look for an email from in the coming days. Please check your spam folder for this email.


How long does a refund take?  

Refunds will be subject to Abbott’s verification of your submission. If you qualify, the anticipated timing is approximately four to six weeks from the time you return the product.


Do I need a receipt?

If a retailer requires a receipt and you are unable to return it at the retailer, please call Similac customer service at 800-986-8540 to discuss next steps. We will be happy to begin the return and refund process with you over the phone.


Why won’t the retailer let me return the product?    

We are sorry for the inconvenience. You can click here to see if your product is included in the recall. If it is, please call Similac customer service at 800-986-8540 to discuss next steps. We will be happy to begin the return and refund process with you over the phone.


Do I have to send product back in order to receive a refund?

Yes. The fastest way to receive your refund is to take your product in its original container back to the retailer where you purchased the product for a refund, product exchange, or store credit, per retailer return policy. If your retailer won’t provide a refund, click here to see if your product is included in the recall. If it is, please call Similac customer service at 800-986-8540 to discuss next steps. We will be happy to begin the return and refund process with you over the phone.


Do I get refunded for sample cans of powder?

Sample cans are provided free of charge and refunds will not be offered.


I threw away my product months ago, how do I know if it was part of this recall?

Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure without having the product to check the lot numbers. No action is needed for previously consumed product. If you have questions about your child’s health, please contact your healthcare professional.  


What do I do if I get an error on the website?

We understand the concern and confusion this is causing you, and we deeply regret any inconvenience. Please check the lot number again by clicking here.  

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